Mobile Library

AirPAC - Library catalogue

AirPAC allows you to access our Library Catalogue from a mobile telephone, PDA or other wireless enabled device from anywhere accessible by mobile phone or wireless networks.

AirPAC can be used to :

You do not need to go to a special website, AirPAC is simply the means by which your device will access the catalogue but how it looks via AirPAC will vary depending upon the device used.  It will detect the type of device you are using and format the catalogue screens accordingly without graphics.

The catalogue via AirPAC can be accessed via a standard browser on a PC or MAC. It can then also be used with screen-reading devices.

What devices can access via AirPAC?

It can be accessed via iPhone™, BlackBerry® Storm™, Palm® Pre™, and Google's Android™ OS phones is now available.

Need Some Help?

If you have any queries about AirPAC please contact your Academic Support Consultant.

Please note that at this time AirPAC does not support access to My Library Record but this feature is coming soon.

Online Resources

A number of library e-resources are now available on mobile devices such as smartphones (e.g. iPhone, Blackberry, Android) or tablets (e.g. iPad).

There are two types of mobile access:

Some of the library's e-resources are now available either as mobile friendly websites, or applications. For more information and links, please see our table of apps and access, and if you come across any new products that we've missed, please let us know.