Chapter 2 - Types of Academic Partnerships

  1. Types of Academic Partnerships
    1. Overview of the Different Types of Academic Partnerships
      1. The following table provides a summary of the different types of academic partnerships.
      2. A Partnership Proposal Form (PPF) should be completed for any academic partnership being developed or renewed by staff. Different PPF templates are available for each type of partnership, as specific information is required for each. These are linked below. can assist in the review and development of a PPF.  
         Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

        (Non research) MoU PPF

        A statement of intent to work with another high-quality organisation. MOUs should be entered into with viable, strategic partners or to show intent if e.g., the partner needs this to apply for funding.

        MOUs are not legally binding (this should be made clear to the partner), and should not include any specific commitments, although potential developments may be mentioned.

        The MOU (non research) PPF should be used for MOUs that are education based.

        IMPORTANT - MOUs primarily for research partnerships have a separate approval/signatory process and further information is available by contacting the relevant Research Business Partner.

        Split-Site programme

        Split site PPF

        Split site single PGR student

        One programme.

        One award (from the University of Exeter), but with a significant contribution e.g.,. teaching, facilities, knowledge, etc., made by the partner organisation (not necessarily a HEI).

        Normally (but not exclusively) for postgraduate research students, either individually or in small cohorts.

        For PGR: split site and co-supervision are the favoured option for PGR level collaborative partnerships. PGR split site agreements involve an Exeter supervisor and an external supervisor (by agreement between the two institutions).



        Student receives an Exeter award and complies with Exeter regulations.

        Involves an Exeter supervisor and an external supervisor from another institution, but the Exeter supervisor must be the lead and a Supervision Agreement must be created. The student remains based at Exeter. 

        Dual Degree

        Dual degree PPF

        One programme.

        Two awards – each award is based on credit from both institutions and awards are not independent.

        Consisting of elements from the University of Exeter and elements from the partner institution.

        Students are registered at both institutions.

        For PGR: Dual Degrees are not relevant for PGR level collaborative partnerships with the exception of Professional Doctorate Programmes.

        Double Degree

        Double Degree PPF

        For both Taught and PGR:

        One programme.

        Two awards with two possible outcomes – each award is independent from the other.

        If one party fails to award, the other retains the right to revert to the awarding of single degree. In this case the reference to the other party that does not award should not be included on either the certificate or transcript.

        Consisting of elements from the University of Exeter and elements from the partner institution.

        Students are registered at both institutions and students must comply with regulations from both institutions.

        A bespoke handbook should be created for students.

        For PGR: Double Degrees are only to be used in exceptional circumstances where there are multiple students over successive intakes. Double Degrees for single PGR students are no longer permitted.

        Students are registered at both institutions.

        Requires detailed negotiation to ensure that this is feasible and there are no conflicting elements. Extremely complex and time-consuming to establish and oversee.

        Supervision is carried out by staff from both institutions.

        Joint Award (sometimes called Co-tutelles)

        Joint award PPF

        For Taught: Joint Awards are often more relevant for PGR. For Taught programmes, Double or Dual models (Masters or UG programmes) are often more relevant.

        For PGR: One programme.

        One award, one joint viva examination process, with one outcome.

        The award is dependent on both/all parties conferring the degree. All partners/the joint nature of the award are referenced on the certificate and transcript.

        Consisting of elements from the University of Exeter and elements from the partner institution(s).

        Students are registered at both institutions and students must comply with regulations from both institutions.

        Requires detailed negotiation to ensure that this is feasible and there are no conflicting elements. Extremely complex and time-consuming to establish and oversee.

        The supervision arrangements are by mutual agreement between the institutions (to be discussed as part of the Minimum Compliance Checklist – see Annex 2).

        A bespoke handbook should be created for students.

        Students are registered at both institutions.

        Joint Awards are preferred over Double Degrees for PGR level partnerships. However, PGR Split-site partnerships are the overall preferred route to establishing a partnership, if possible, within the requirements of the partnership. Joint Awards for single PGR students are not permitted.

        Minimum Compliance Checklist (see Annex 2) must be adhered to and used at the start of any Joint Award discussions with partners. This guidance is specific to PGR, but is a useful document to consider for most partnerships.


        Validation PPF

        A programme which is delegated to another organisation to deliver on behalf of the University.

        Students receive an award from the University of Exeter.

        For PGR: This is not usually a relevant partnership model.

        Student Exchange and Study Abroad

        UG PGT PPF

        PGR only PPF

        For Student Exchange: Students undertake formal study exchange for one year (or one semester) at an overseas HEI.

        For Study Abroad: These are non exchange - inbound credit-mobility students from an international, non European institution (partner or non partner) that are liable to pay fees. These should be developed in collaboration with the Global Opportunities Team (

        For both: The programme for each student is agreed by both institutions.

        For PGR: This model is not used frequently, and has a specific approval route – see the PPF to the left.


        Articulation PPF

        Provision offered by another institution is deemed suitable preparation for a student to transfer onto a University of Exeter programme.

        Usually at an advanced stage, e.g., direct entry to year 2 of an undergraduate degree.

        Students may achieve an initial award at the partner institution and then achieve a University of Exeter award.

        Requires early discussion of entry requirements and mapping of ILOs.

        For PGR: This is not usually a relevant partnership model.


        Progression PPF

        A recruitment route into study at the University of Exeter for students from a partner institution (often with a fee discount and a fast-track application process).

        Students who have successfully completed a programme at the partner institution may be considered for entry (on an individual basis). No formal commitment of acceptance onto a programme.

        For PGR: This is not usually a relevant partnership model.

    2. Doctoral Training Partnerships / Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs)
      1. The University of Exeter is a member of DTPs/CDTs aligned to each of the Research Councils; they are key to the University’s research and partnerships strategies. 
      2. The way in which DTPs and CDTs are initiated, developed, and approved is very different to that of other partnerships and so they are not included in this Handbook. 
      3. You can contact the Doctoral College for further information:

    3. Visiting Postgraduate Research Students
      1. Visiting PGRs are registered at a separate HEI and do not receive an Exeter award. These do not require involvement of Academic Partnerships. Please see the Visiting Postgraduate Research Student Policy for information and requirements:
      2. Other types of PGR visiting student include: Erasmus+ Exchange Student, International Exchange Student, Study Abroad Student, International Summer School Programme, etc. These do not usually involve

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