Presentation of Thesis/Dissertation

At the outset of a student's registration it is important they know what format their thesis/dissertation should take and, on submission, how it should be bound in accordance with our Statement of Procedures:

Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for the Degrees of MPhil/PhD/EdD/DEdPsy/DClinPsy/MbyRes: Statement of Procedures

Please read the document carefully as it sets out the format that should be used for the content including the sequencing of the contents, page numbering, margins, etc. As a supervisor you should be able to advise on the correct format to be used for your Bibliography and references which may or may not be prescribed by the College.



Once an award is recommended by the board of examiners students must submit a copy of the thesis/dissertation to Open Research Exeter (ORE) before the degree can be formally approved. 

ORE is the University's on-line collection for all research carried out at Exeter.  Depositing the thesis in the collection will ensure that it is made publicly visible and provide greater accessibility to the research.

Please read the E-thesis FAQs and E-thesis Guide on the ORE website.  Access can be restricted in order to publish research and an embargo can be placed on the thesis/dissertation to restrict it from public access for up to 18 months.

Once the work is deposited to ORE it will checked by an ORE administrator to ensure that all of the information is correct before it is added to the archive.  Notification of any changes that need to be made and confirmation of successful submissions are sent by email to the student so they must check messages regularly.

If a student registered for their degree before October 2008 and prefer not to submit electronically they may choose to submit one hardbound copy of the thesis/dissertation to our office.  Please contact the Postgraduate Administration Office for guidance on the correct presentation of a final thesis.