Forms - changes to study

‌‌‌All changes to a student's study need to be recorded and you should refer to the Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students for information on the following:

Periods of Study
Interruptions of Study **
Changes to Programme (including changes between Full and Part time)
Transfer to Continuation Status **
Upgrade from MPH to PHD **
Upgrade from MbyRes to MPH or PHD
Extensions to Study
Withdrawal from Study
Students deemed Withdrawn
Termination of Registration
Re-instatement of Registration

IMPORTANT - VISA INFORMATION: Please also refer to  the Immigration section on the International Student Support website, for advice .

Please always download forms directly from this website to ensure the most up-to-date version is used. 

** The following forms are now obsolete as the requests are now processed through MyPGR:

Upgrade to PhD (NB: upgrades from MbyRes to MPH or PHD must be done manually - see below)
Transfer to Continuation Status

FormsStandard Letters

Hints and Tips

Extension Form

Use SRL letter code GRS-PGREXT from SCE. 
In order to personalise it please file-release and save under a College code. You can then add College-specific details if required


Shows a print out of the prompt boxes that need to be completed

PGR Withdrawal Form

PGR Withdrawal Approval Letter


Use SRL letter code GRS-PGRWD from SCE. 
In order to personalise it please file-release and save under a College code. You can then add College-specific details if required


Shows a print out of the prompt boxes that need to be completed

PGR Research Degree Programme Change Form (inc from FT to PT and PT to FT)


Please note, students who want to change from a PGT Masters degree to a PGR Masters degree cannot use this form.  Instead, please advise them to formally withdraw from the PGT programme and re-apply for the new PGR programme through Admissions.  This is due to the different entry requirements for each programme.

PGR Research Degree Programme Change Letter (inc from FT to PT and PT to FT) 


Use SRL letter code GRS-PGRCOP from SCE. 
In order to personalise it please file-release and save under a College code. You can then add College-specific details if required


Shows a print out of the prompt boxes that need to be completed

Change of Supervisor Form

Not Required

 Remember to amend the old S1, S2 or M to X-S1, X-S2 or X-M and move their weighting into the Note box for reference.  ADD the new supervisor/mentor details and weighting


Interruptions should be done via MyPGR

PGR Interruption Approval Letter


Use SRL letter code GRS-PGRINT from SCE. 
In order to personalise it please file-release and save under a College code. You can then add College-specific details if required.


Shows a print out of the prompt boxes that need to be completed

Transfer to Continuation Status should be done via MyPGR

Transfer to Continuation Status Approval Letter


De-registration Notification


Please use this example text for any letter or email issued to students following de-registration from their course of study.