TQA Manual - full contents

Quality Assurance Responsibilities

Annex - Approval Process

12 - Academic conduct and practice

12.1 Introduction
12.2 General Principles
12.3 Definitions and Offences
12.4 Categories of Academic Misconduct
12.5 Poor Academic Practice
12.6 Academic Misconduct
12.7 Severe Academic Misconduct
12.8 Responsibilities for Partner Institutions
12.9 Responsibilities of the University
12.10 Responsibilities of Faculties
12.11 Responsibilities of Students
12.12 Delegation of Responsibility
12.13 Procedures at Faculty Level for Dealing with Suspected Poor Academic Practice, Academic Misconduct and Severe Academic Misconduct
12.14 In cases where the Senior Academic Conduct Officer determines that the Poor Academic Practice should be seen at an Academic Honesty Workshop
12.15 In cases where the Senior Academic Conduct Officer determines that the Poor Academic Practice should be seen at a Department Level Meeting
12.16 In cases where the Senior Academic Conduct Officer determines that the Poor Academic Practice should be seen at a Faculty Level Meeting
12.17 Arrangements for Department and Faculty Level Meetings
12.18 Managing Academic Misconduct - Procedures at University Level for dealing with Suspected Poor Academic Practice, Academic Misconduct and/or Severe Academic Misconduct
12.19 Tariff of Penalties
12.20 Managing Academic Misconduct - Procedures for Examination Offences
12.21 Establishment of a Review Panel
12.22 Outcomes from a Review Panel for Examination Offences
12.22 Appeals

Appendix A - Structure within Faculties and Role Descriptors

Appendix B - Process for considering cases of Suspected Academic Misconduct within Formative Work

Appendix C - Policy in relation to Investigations and Hearings involving Group Work



Annex A - Templates and guidance documents


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